- Поддерживаемые плагины
Vote Map
Give your players ability to vote for their favorite map or alternatively gather feedback on various custom maps to see if players are interested before buying them. • FAQ • Can I add as many maps as I want? Yes, numbers of map you can have is unlimited, although I recommend using around 15-20. •...codefling.com
Shop UI
Well rounded shop, with various features. It's standalone plugin which is compatible with WelcomePanel, HumanNpc. This plugin also supports selling commands, wipe block, no escape, sales, permission access. Multi-currency support Use different currencies for different items. Economics and ServerR...codefling.com
Welcome Panel Addons
Bundle of four addons made for Welcome Panel UI. All four addons including preset default config files as you see them on screenshots. Quote Every text tab in WelcomePanel has section for addon name. examples "Addon (plugin name)": "vipranks" "Addon (plugin name)": "wipecycle" "Addon (plugin name...codefling.com
Welcome Panel
Site In case you having issues with plugin feel free to open support ticket on site here. I will usually respond within 24 hours not including weekends. Discord I'm also available at my discord server where I provide support for my customers. You can also find small community here and get answers...codefling.com
Allows you to reskin item's by placing it in the SkinBox and selecting a new skinchaoscode.io
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