Can add lights and or carlifts to Gasstation, MiningOutpost, Airfield, and Supermarket.
Can add new green card puzzles to Supermarket, Dome, and Junkyard.
Can add BigWheel to Outpost.
Can add Npc Vendors with custom items to buy anywhere.
Can use CopyPaste to auto past buildings relevant to monuments see config
/npc_loot add <UniqueLootFileName> – Create a loot file with items set in your main inventory SEE SETUP FOR CORRECR LOOT USAGE.
/npc_loot remove <UniqueLootFileName> – Removed a loot file.
/mylocation - Get monumentName and x y z to use in the config.
/npc_vendor add <NpcUniqueName> <LootFileName> <true/false>– Adds vendor where you are standing and looking direction. true = respawn at monument after map wipe.
/npc_vendor edit <Name> <LootFileName> – Change the npc loot fIle.
/npc_vendor remove <Optional NpcUniqueName> – Removed the vendor you are looking at.
When you add in a npc vendor his loot will be default and update 30 seconds after he spawns.
How to set up Vendors loot file
How to Setup Loot File.
Clear your main inventory.
Starting from the top first slot to the left add the item you want to sell with the vendor with the amount to sell,
In the next slot to the right add the item that it will cost with the amount. Keep doing this down the row to add all the items.
I recommend no more then selling 6 items at once.
Once your items are ready /npc_loot add <UniqueLootFileName> to create your loot file.
Spoiler: Example with selling for 1000 scrap

Spoiler: Config Example
"Spawn Lights At": {
"GasStation": true,
"Supermarket": true,
"MiningOutpost": false,
"Airfield": false,
"UseLightSwitch": false,
"StartTime": "20:00",
"EndTime": "08:00"
"Spawn Puzzle At": {
"Junkyard": false,
"Supermarket": false,
"Dome": false
"Spawn BigWheel at": {
"Outpost": false
"Spawn Addons At": {
"SpawnAddons": false,
"itemAddon": {
"supermarket": {
"MonumentName": "supermarket",
"prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/static/modularcarlift.static.prefab",
"pos": {
"x": 0.2,
"y": 0.0,
"z": 17.5
"rotate": 0.0
"gasstation": {
"MonumentName": "gas_station",
"prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/static/modularcarlift.static.prefab",
"pos": {
"x": 4.2,
"y": 3.0,
"z": -0.5
"rotate": 0.0
"Spawn Building At": {
"SpawnBuildings": true,
"building": {
"Example1": {
"monumentName": "fishing_village_a",
"pasteFile": "T1B1",
"position": {
"x": -13.2134,
"y": 3.0,
"z": -18.1443
"rotation": 0.1,
"options": [
"Version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
"Patch": 13
Spoiler: Example recycler to village in config
/mylocation -- get MonumentName and x y z
"fishing_village_1": {
"MonumentName": "fishing_village_c",
"prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/static/recycler_static.prefab",
"pos": {
"x": -12.2,
"y": 2.0,
"z": 14.35
"rotate": 180.0
"fishing_village_2": {
"MonumentName": "fishing_village_b",
"prefab": "assets/bundled/prefabs/static/recycler_static.prefab",
"pos": {
"x": -10.2,
"y": 2.0,
"z": 21.35
"rotate": -90.0