About XPanelPlus
XPanelPlus - beautiful info-panel for your server.
- Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions.
- Sound effects when interacting with the panel.
- Display of information [ Online | Joins | Time | Sleepers ].
- Display of events [ Airplane, Helicopter, Ship, Chinook, Tank ].
- Display of text information. [ List of messages ] + [ Online | Joins | Time | Sleepers | Queue | Player coordinates ]
[ Two options for the location of UI text information ]
- Displaying the balance of the economy plugin. [ Economics | IQEconomic ] + [ ServerRewards ]
- Ability to hide the panel/button.
- Ability to completely remove the panel and buttons from the screen - chat command: /uipanel on/off
- Ability to customize panel elements.
- The ability to issue access to the panel by permission.
- Automatic opening/closing of the panel when issuing/removing a permission to a player.
- The panel is automatically hidden when the player is using a computer station, drone or CCTV camera.
- Beautiful custom buttons.
xpanelplus.use - allow the panel to be used.
xpanelplus.usecmd - access to the use of a command that removes the panel and buttons from the screen.
/uipanel on/off - completely remove the panel and buttons from the screen.