Sort items from your inventory into designated storage containers with the click of a button

Required Dependencieshttps://chaoscode.io/resources/chaos.321/Optional Dependencieshttp://oxidemod.org/plugins/noescape.1394/
This plugin requires the Chaos extension -> https://chaoscode.io/resources/chaos.321/
- • Sorting Modes
- • Commands
- • Permissions
- • Config
Give players the ability to setup storage containers with configurable items and item categories via a in-inventory UI then with the click of a button sort and dump all the items from the players inventory in to the designated containers.
Supports NoEscape so players who are raid blocked can not use the sorting methods
Tutorial video by T-Bird
Sorting Modes
This - Will move items from your inventory to the box if the item meets the set requirements for the box
Nearby - Will move items from your inventory to boxes to boxes within X radius if the item meets the set requirements for the box(set in config)
Arrange Box - Will arrange all items in the box with the selected categories/items listed first
Dump All - Empty your inventory into the box regardless of the accepted items
Loot All - Empty the box into your inventory
/sorthelp - Show help text with information on how to use the plugin
/whatisthis - Print the name of the entity you are looking at. Used to find names for entities to add to the config list of approved containers. Only players with the admin flag can use this command
AbsolutSorter uses Oxides permission system
To assign a user permission use oxide.grant user "username|steam id" "permission" in console.
To assign a group permission use oxide.grant group "groupname" "permission" in console.
You can read more about how to use the permission system here : uMod - Permissions
absolutsorter.allow - Gives access to the in-inventory sorting menu
absolutsorter.lootall - Gives access to the 'Loot All' button
absolutsorter.dumpall - Gives access to the 'Dump All' button
absolutsorter.nearby - If config option to use this permission is enabled, only player with this permission will see the "Nearby" sorting option