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adminmenu.use - Ability to use admin menu with basic set. Open tab quick menu (each button has its own permission, without permissions is present only kill yourself button) and the list of players.
adminmenu.fullaccess - Full access to all functions without the need for each permission, includes also adminmenu.use. It is recommended to give only to the main administrators.
adminmenu.quickmenu.teleportto000 - Access to the button in the quick menu, teleportation to coordinates 0 0 0 0.
adminmenu.quickmenu.teleporttodeath - Access to the button in the quick menu, teleportation to the point of your death.
adminmenu.quickmenu.teleporttospawnpoint - Access to the button in the quick menu, teleportation to a random spawn point.
adminmenu.quickmenu.healself - Access button in quickmenu, heal yourself completely.
adminmenu.quickmenu.helicall - Access to the button in the quick menu, call a helicopter to yourself (arrives in time).
adminmenu.quickmenu.spawnbradley - Access button in quickmenu, spawn bradley.
adminmenu.userinfo.teleportselfto - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, teleportation to the selected player.
adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttoself - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, teleport the selected player to himself.
adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttoauth - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, teleportation to random authorization (TC).
adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttodeath - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, teleportation to the place of death of the player.
adminmenu.userinfo.fullheal - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, full healing, including metabolism.
adminmenu.userinfo.halfheal - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, half healing.
adminmenu.userinfo.viewinv - Access to the button in the selected player's menu, view and edit the player's inventory.
adminmenu.userinfo.stripinventory - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, clear the player's inventory.
adminmenu.userinfo.unlockblueprints - Access the button in the menu of the selected player, unlock all drafts.
adminmenu.userinfo.revokeblueprints - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, reset all drafts.
adminmenu.userinfo.kill - Access the button in the selected player's menu to kill the player.
adminmenu.userinfo.kick - Access the button in the selected player's menu to kick the player.
adminmenu.userinfo.ban - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, ban the player.
adminmenu.groupinfo.removegroup - Access to the button in the menu of the selected group, the ability to remove the group.
adminmenu.groupinfo.clonegroup - Access to the button in the menu of the selected group, the ability to clone the group.
adminmenu.convars - View and edit convars.
adminmenu.permissionmanager - View and edit permissions in groups, player groups, create, delete and clone groups (requires additional permissions from these buttons).
adminmenu.pluginmanager - Access to plugin management, reloading, unloading, loading plugins.
adminmenu.give - Access to give resources, as well as yourself and the selected player.