VIP Advanced Alerts 1.3.3

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  "General Settings": {
    "Alert Image": "", // Changes the image of the alerts
    "Only users with perms can see the alert": false, // Enable to use perms
    "UI Anchor Min": "0.35 0.85",
    "UI Anchor Max": "0.65 0.95",
    "Time alert will be displayed (Seconds)": 5.0,
    "Alert Fade In(Seconds)": 0.2 // Set 0 to disable Fade In
  "Copter Alert Settings": {
    "Enable alert": true,
    "Alert text when spawning": "Attack Helicopter has just spawned!",
    "Enable alert when destroyed": true,
    "Alert text when destroyed": "Attack Helicopter has been taken down!",
    "Enable max distance alert when destroyed": false,
    "Max distance alert when destroyed": 1000.0 //Max distance a player can be in order to see the alert.
  "Bradley Alert Settings": {
    "Enable alert when spawning": false,
    "Alert text when spawning": "BradleyAPC has just spawned!",
    "Enable alert when destroyed": true,
    "Alert text when destroyed": "BradleyAPC has been taken down!",
    "Enable max distance alert when destroyed": false,
    "Max distance alert when destroyed": 1000.0 //Max distance a player can be in order to see the alert.
  "CH47 Alert Settings": {
    "Enable alert when spawning": false,
    "Alert text when spawning": "Chinook has just spawned!"
  "Cargo Ship Alert Settings": {
    "Enable alert when spawning": true,
    "Alert text when spawning": "Cargo Ship will spawn shortly!"
  "Airdrop Alert Settings": {
    "Enable alert when spawning": true,
    "Alert text when spawning": "Airdrop on its way!"
  "Crate Alert Settings": {
    "Enable alert when spawning": true,
    "Alert text when spawning": "A locked crate has apeared!"
  "Halloween Alert Settings": {
    "Enable alert when spawning": true,
    "Alert text when spawning": "A new Halloween event has started!"
  "Xmas Alert Settings": {
    "Enable alert when spawning": true,
    "Alert text when spawning": "A new Xmas event has started!"
  "MLRS Alert Settings": {
    "Enable alert when spawning": true,
    "Alert text when spawning": "MLRS Strike incoming!"
  "Raideable Base Settings": { // Requires Raideable Base plugin
    "Enable alert on event started (Depends on Raidable Bases plugin)": false,
    "Alert text on event started": "A new Raideable Base has spawned!",
    "Enable alert on event ended (Depends on Raidable Bases plugin)": false,
    "Alert text on event ended": "A Raidable Base event has ended!",
    "Alert player when entering the Raidable Base": false,
    "Alert text on player entry": "You have entered a Raidable Base event!",
    "Alert player upon leaving the Raidable Base": false,
    "Alert text on player exit": "You have left a Raidable Base event!"
  "Convoy Alerts Settings": { // Requires Convoy plugin
    "Enable alert on event started (Depends on Convoy plugin)": false,
    "Alert text on event started": "A new Convoy is on its way!",
    "Enable alert on event ended (Depends on Convoy plugin)": false,
    "Alert text on event ended": "The Convoy event has ended!"
  "Sputnik Alerts Settings": { // Requires Sputnik plugin
    "Enable alert on event started (Depends on Sputnik plugin)": false,
    "Alert text on event started": "A meteorite is falling from the sky!",
    "Enable alert on event ended (Depends on Sputnik plugin)": false,
    "Alert text on event ended": "The Sputnik event has ended!"
  "Armoured Train Alerts Settings": { // Requires Armoured Train plugin.
    "Enable alert on event started (Depends on Armored Train plugin)": false,
    "Alert text on event started": "An Armoured Train has appeared!",
    "Enable alert on event ended (Depends on Armored Train plugin)": false,
    "Alert text on event ended": "The Armoured Train has disappeared!"
  "Artic Base Alerts Settings": { // Requires Artic Base plugin.
    "Enable alert on event started (Depends on Artic Base plugin)": true,
    "Alert text on event started": "The Artic Base Event has started!",
    "Enable alert on event ended (Depends on Artic Base plugin)": true,
    "Alert text on event ended": "The Artic Base Event has ended!"