VIP Alpha Loot 3.1.36

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Alpha Loot
Required Dependencies


  • Support to switch out loot tables on-the-fly
  • Customizable loot profiles for every loot container type
  • Customizable loot profiles for all NPC types
  • Workshop skin support
  • Customizable item condition on spawn
  • Customizable chance of item spawning as a blueprint
  • Hammer-hit loot preview in game
  • The default generated config is an exact copy of Rusts default loot table
  • A custom Unity based loot table editor
  • A easy to use interface for editing loot tables
  • Create advanced (Rust style) or simple (RNG based) loot profiles for each container
  • Alter container behaviour per container
  • Preview loot generation from within the editor
  • Export individual loot profiles, and profile sub-definitions to use on other containers
  • Perform quick actions such as amount multiplication of selected items, or removal of selected items across the whole loot table
  • The majority of work is done via the editor
  • Individual loot tables for Heli and Bradley crates so you can create multiple profiles and randomly cycle through them

The plugin is responsible for taking your loot table and applying it to the loot containers in the game.

There is not a great deal of customization in the plugin since the majority of work is done in the loot table via the editor, however there are some commands that can be run in game and in console and a few options that can be changed in the config.

The loot table editor can be found here ->

AlphaLoot uses Oxides permission system
To assign a user permission use oxide.grant user "username|steam id" "permission" in console.
To assign a group permission use oxide.grant group "groupname" "permission" in console.
You can read more about how to use the permission system here : uMod - Permissions
alphaloot.admin - This permission is required to use the chat commands, and the console commands from the in game console. It is also required to use the hammer-hit function

Chat Commands
/aloot repopulate - Repopulate the container you are looking at
/aloot view - List the contents of the container you are looking at
/aloot repopulateall - Repopulate every loot container on the map (this task is spread out over 20 seconds)

Console Commands
al.repopulateall - Repopulate every loot container on the map (this task is spread out over 20 seconds)

al.setloottable <filename> - Change loot table on the fly and repopulate all containers with that profile
al.setheliloottable <filename> - Change heli loot table on the fly
al.setbradleyloottable <filename> - Change bradley loot table on the fly

al.generatetable <filename> <helifilename> <bradleyfilename> - Generate the default loot tables to a new specified file <shortname> - Lists all containers the specified item is in and how many times it is in it

al.additems <shortname> <opt:shortname> <opt:shortname>... - Copies and calculates weights of the specified items to your loot table, the same way the auto-updater does.
You can add as many item short names as you want to mass add missing items.

al.skins add <shortname> <skinid> <opt:weight> - Add a single skin to the random skin list, with a optional argument to specify the weight of this skin
al.skins remove <shortname> - Remove all skins for the specified item
al.skins remove <shortname> <skinid> - Remove an individual skin

The configuration file can be found in your server directory at .../oxide/config/AlphaLoot.json
The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues
"Global Loot Multiplier" is another multiplier on top of any multipliers you have set for containers in their loot profiles

"Apply global and individual loot multipliers to un-stackable items" applies all loot multipliers to all items generated. Disabling this will prevent any unstackable/items with condition from being multiplied. Ex. You have a M249 in your loot profile, with this option disabled the M249 will not be subject to the loot multipliers

"Amount of crates to drop (Bradley APC/Patrol Helicopter)" modifies how many containers will drop when either of these vehicles are destroyed

"Override FancyDrop containers with supply drop profile" disables FancyDrops handling of loot in supply drops and populates them with the loot profile specified in AlphaLoot

"Use skins from the SkinBox skin list" uses skins that are available in SkinBox to skin items as they are generated

"Use skins from the approved skin list" uses skins from the approved skin list to skin items as they are generated

"Loot Table Name" is the file name (without the extension) of the loot table you want to use. Loot table .json files should be placed in your /data/AlphaLoot/LootProfiles/ folder

"Auto-update loot tables with new items" automatically updates your loot table with new items as they are added to the game. This is disabled by default
- For advanced definitions, since it is possible that the hierarchy the new item belongs to no longer exists in a customized loot table new items will be added as a individual loot definition containing just that item, however the probability set for that advanced loot definition is a calculated score of the item being chosen from the default loot table. This probability score is calculated using the weight of the item and all its parent subspawn definitions, the probability and number of loops of the loot definition multiplied by the number of times it appears in a loot profile all the way back to the start of the hierarchy chain.
- For simple definitions, the probability score is calculated the same way as an advanced score, however since simple definitions use a weight system the weight of the item is calculated by the sum of the weight of all other items in that loot profile multiplied by the calculated probability score of receiving it in the default loot table.
Each new item added to the loot table will be printed in console with the name of the item, the container it was added to and the probability/weight score assigned to it

"Auto-update loot tables with new items": false,
"Global Loot Multiplier (multiplies all loot amounts by the number specified)": 1.0,
"Apply global and individual loot multipliers to un-stackable items": false,
"Loot Table Name": "default_loottable",
"Heli Loot Table Name": "default_heli_loottable",
"Bradley Loot Table Name": "default_bradley_loottable",
"Amount of crates to drop (Bradley APC - default 3)": 3,
"Amount of crates to drop (Patrol Helicopter - default 4)": 4,
"Override FancyDrop containers with supply drop profile": false,
"Use skins from the SkinBox skin list": false,
"Use skins from the approved skin list": false,
"Version": {
"Major": 3,
"Minor": 0,
"Patch": 9
(object) CanPopulateLoot(LootContainer) // Returning a non-null value will prevent AlphaLoot from populating the specified container

// Populate a container with its designated profile
bool PopulateLoot(LootContainer container)

// Populate a container with the specified profile
bool PopulateLoot(LootContainer container, string profileName)
bool PopulateLoot(ItemContainer container, string profileName)

// Check if a profile exists
bool ProfileExists(string name)

Bradley and Helicopter Loot Tables
The bradley and helicopter crates have their own loot tables. This way you can create multiple loot profiles for both crate types. These loot table files can be edited the same way as the base loot table by opening the file in the editor.
When selecting loot for these containers the plugin will randomly cycle through the list of available profiles, each time a profile is used it is temporarily removed until it has run out of profiles to select from, then it will start over.
Say you have 4 loot profiles, and the helicopter dropped 4 crates, each one of those crates would be using a different profile.
This is optional, if you dont want to create additional profiles it will default to the profile that already exists

Loot Generation Preview
While the editor itself has its own loot preview system, you can also preview loot in game by hitting any loot container with a hammer. The container will open and loot will cycle through it in 3 second intervals.
The functionality requires the "alphaloot.admin" permission

Adding Workshop Skins to your loot
AlphaLoot has support to add skinned items to your loot containers. This is done on a global scale, as in you setup skin ID's in the plugin and they are applied to applicable items as they are spawned.

For a container to spawn items with skins the container must have the "Allow skinned items" toggle activated in the loot profile for that container.
If a container has that option enabled, any items spawned in to that container will choose a random skin ID set in the plugin.

When adding skins for items you have a option to specify a 'weight'. The higher the weight the more likely that skin is going to be chosen. This is a optional feature, if you do not want to set skin weights you can just leave the weight default.

To add a skin for a item you can use the provided console command al.skins add <shortname> <skinid> <opt:weight>.
ex. "al.skins add rifle.ak 1252554814"
- Set a skin without a weight value
ex. "al.skins add rifle.ak 1252554814 100" - Set a skin with a weight value

If I was to add another skin with a weight of 1 that would make the first skin 100x more likely to be chosen.

Skin ID's and weight are saved to the /data/AlphaLoot/item_skin_ids.json file if you feel so inclined to edit it manually

The Editor

The loot table editor, with a full write up of usage instructions and dedicated support forum can be found here ->
Extention type
File size
33.4 MB
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