VIP AntiTeam 1.0.8

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“ignore admins (true/false)”: true,
“group limit”: 3,
“The webhook where the teaming alerts will be sent to (leave blank to disable)”: “”,
“Server name sent with the alert embed (put “default” to use the servers host name, or blank not include any name)”: “default”,
“Role ID, the id of the role you want pinged with an alert (leave blank to disable)”: “”,
“Role ID, the id of the role you want pinged for the automatic ban alerts”: “”,
“The webhook where the F7 teaming reports will be sent to (leave blank to disable)”: “”,
“Report Color, the color of the teaming report embed”: 16711680,
“When a player gives a note to another player, this feature will log the note contents and player info to discord”: {
“Enabled”: true,
“Webhook where the note logs will be sent”: “”
“Team kill config options”: {
“MaximumDistance”: 5.0,
“MaximumHeight”: 3.0,
“MinimumDistanceToTarget”: 20,
“MaximumAngle”: 140.0
“Proximity config options”: {
“Enabled”: true,
“SaveToFile”: true,
“WipeFileOnWipe”: true,
“TrackKills”: true,
“HasToBeVisible”: false,
“ProximityDistance”: 20,
“ProximityKillTrigger”: 3.0,
“ProximityKillWeight”: 0.3,
“ProximityTimeTrigger”: 900.0,
“ProximityTimeWeight”: 0.3
“Friends check config options”: {
“Enabled”: true,
“Minimum Friend Time, the minimum amount of days the users have been friends to count”: 0,
“weight”: 0.5,
“SteamAPIKey”: “”
“Temp bans for players that are in a group exceeding the limit (requires the team UI to not be limited)”: {
“Enabled”: false,
“Amount of minutes they must be in a group exceeding the limit to trigger a ban”: 3,
“Ban length in minutes”: 10,
“Ban message”: “Temp banned for violating the group limit”,
“Temp ban webhook”: “”,
“Temp ban message embed color”: 1374463
“Auto demo recoreder config options”: {
“Enabled”: false,
“the length of the demo recordings (minutes)”: 2,
“The webhook where the demo files will be sent to”: null
“Battlemetric ban options”: {
“your battlemetrics token”: “”,
“Ban list id, you can leave this blank and it will use your default ban list”: “”,
“Ban reason”: “Banned for teaming, banned for {{timeLeft}}”,
“Ban notes, the proof for the ban will be added a line below this text”: “Automated teaming ban, proof =>”
“Parameters for auto bans”: {
“EnableAutoBan”: false,
“AutoBanWebhook”: “”,
“Auto ban message embed color”: 0,
“AutoBanWeight”: 1.0,
“Team ban, when a player in a full team is teaming with another outside player, this will ban the entire team, or just the two players”: true,
“banLength”: 7,
“NativeBan”: false,
“BattlemetricsBan”: true,
“parameters”: {
“Team Raid”: {
“Weight”: 0.5,
“Enabled”: true,
“AlertColor”: 0,
“Stackable”: true,
“AutoDemoRecord”: true,
“DontShowAlone”: false,
“SendDiscordAlert”: true
“Team Kill”: {
“Weight”: 0.5,
“Enabled”: true,
“AlertColor”: 16711680,
“Stackable”: true,
“AutoDemoRecord”: true,
“DontShowAlone”: false,
“SendDiscordAlert”: true
“Code Lock”: {
“Weight”: 0.5,
“Enabled”: true,
“AlertColor”: 3211078,
“Stackable”: false,
“AutoDemoRecord”: false,
“DontShowAlone”: false,
“SendDiscordAlert”: true
“Cupboard”: {
“Weight”: 0.1,
“Enabled”: true,
“AlertColor”: 9068544,
“Stackable”: false,
“AutoDemoRecord”: false,
“DontShowAlone”: false,
“SendDiscordAlert”: true
“Shared Vehicle”: {
“Weight”: 0.3,
“Enabled”: true,
“AlertColor”: 5177482,
“Stackable”: false,
“AutoDemoRecord”: true,
“DontShowAlone”: false,
“SendDiscordAlert”: true
“Turret”: {
“Weight”: 0.3,
“Enabled”: true,
“AlertColor”: 16749588,
“Stackable”: false,
“AutoDemoRecord”: false,
“DontShowAlone”: true,
“SendDiscordAlert”: true
“Revive”: {
“Weight”: 0.1,
“Enabled”: true,
“AlertColor”: 1374463,
“Stackable”: true,
“AutoDemoRecord”: true,
“DontShowAlone”: true,
“SendDiscordAlert”: true
“Looting”: {
“Weight”: 0.2,
“Enabled”: true,
“AlertColor”: 2692351,
“Stackable”: true,
“AutoDemoRecord”: true,
“DontShowAlone”: false,
“SendDiscordAlert”: true
“Team Accept”: {
“Weight”: 0.4,
“Enabled”: true,
“AlertColor”: 1376116,
“Stackable”: false,
“AutoDemoRecord”: true,
“DontShowAlone”: false,
“SendDiscordAlert”: true
“Relationship Alert”: {
“Weight”: 0.2,
“Enabled”: true,
“AlertColor”: 11544319,
“Stackable”: false,
“AutoDemoRecord”: true,
“DontShowAlone”: true,
“SendDiscordAlert”: true
“Voice Chat”: {
“Weight”: 0.1,
“Enabled”: true,
“AlertColor”: 13493504,
“Stackable”: false,
“AutoDemoRecord”: true,
“DontShowAlone”: false,
“SendDiscordAlert”: true
“Bag”: {
“Weight”: 0.2,
“Enabled”: true,
“AlertColor”: 16732951,
“Stackable”: false,
“AutoDemoRecord”: true,
“DontShowAlone”: false,
“SendDiscordAlert”: true