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craftingpanel._use – is responsible for opening the panel. If there is no permission, the panel will not open.
craftingpanel._admin – give this permission only to administrators. It adds an additional "Give yourself" button to get items from the panel for free. This permission is also needed to use the givecraft command (about it below).
craftingpanel._instant – all player crafts will be instant.
craftingpanel._death – crafting queue will not be reset when the player dies.
craftingpanel._disconnect – when a player leaves the server, the craft queue will not be reset.
craftingpanel._economics – allows you to purchase items for the currency of the selected economy plugin. If the player does not have permission, the cost panel will still be displayed, but the player will not be able to make a purchase.
craftingpanel._workbench - allows you to reduce crafting time by having a workbench of a higher level than necessary for crafting.
craftingpanel._bonuses – allows the player to access the crafting bonuses from the "Crafting bonuses" section.
craftingpanel._unlockdlc - if a player has this permission, he can craft all DLC items in the in-game crafting menu. If you revoke this permission, all DLC items will become unavailable again.
The generated permissions are created by the plugin itself, here's how it works:
craftingpanel.section.vehicles- this is permission for the "vehicles" section.
craftingpanel.vehicles.minicopter - this is permission for the item "minicopter" in the "vehicles" section.
craftingpanel.vehicles.snowmobile.tomaha - this is permission for the item "snowmobile" in the "vehicles" section and in "tomaha" variation.