VIP Custom Helicopter Tiers 2.5.1

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Global Configuration​

"Global Helicopter Config": {
"Turrets Bullet Accuracy": 2,
"Disable Rust Default Helicopter": true,
"Maximum Helicopter Life Time In Minutes": 15.0

The above configs can't be set individually for each tier and changing them will affect all of the created helicopters.

PVP Configuration​

"PVP": {

"Lock To The Invoker": true,

"Team Included On Invoker Lock": false,

"Invoker Has Priority In The Team": true,

"Do Not Allow Others To Trigger The Helicopter Until Reaching The Invoker": false,

"Lock To First Attacker": false


PVE Configuration​

"PVE": {

"Prevent Damage To Other Players Properties": false


Prevent Damage To Other Players Properties​

This works perfectly for PVE servers as it prevents any attempt to raid or destroy structures of other players while attacking the helicopter.

Damage Configuration​

"Damage": {

"Rockets - Blunt Damage": 175,

"Rockets - Explosion Damage": 100,

"Rockets - Explosion Radius": 6,

"Rockets - Max Launched Rockets": 12,

"Rockets - Time Between Each Rocket In Seconds": 1,

"Turrets - Bullet Damage": 20.0,

"Turrets - Max Bullet Range": 300.0,

"Turrets - Bullet Speed": 250,

"Turrets - Interval Between Bursts In Seconds": 3,

"Turrets - Duration of Burst In Seconds": 3,

"Turrets - Fire Rate In Seconds": 12


Health Configuration​

"Health": {

"Body": 10000.0,

"Main Rotor": 750.0,

"Tail Rotor": 375.0



The base health of the helicopter (Default 10000)

Main Rotor​

The health of the top rotor (Default 750)

Tail Rotor​

The health of the tail rotor (Default 375)