VIP Skinner 2.0.9

Нет прав для скачивания
  "Skin Commands (skin items in you inventory": [
  "Skin Items Commands (skin items you have already placed": [
  "Set default items to be skinned": [
  "Automatically set all items in you inventory to your default skins": [
  "Automatically set all items a container to your default skins": [
  "Automatically skin all deployables in your base": [
  "Automatically skin all items in your base": [
  "Automatically skin all items that are moved into you inventory": [
  "Skin your teams inventories with your skin set": [
  "Request workshop skins via workshop ID": [
  "Approve workshop skin requests": [
  "Set your selected skin set": [
  "Import Custom Skins": [
  "Import Workshop Collection Command": [
  "Custom Page Change UI Positon anchor/offset 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
    "0.5 0.0",
    "0.5 0.0",
    "198 60",
    "400 97"
  "Custom Searchbar UI Positon anchor/offset 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
    "0.5 0.0",
    "0.5 0.0",
    "410 635",
    "572 660"
  "Custom Set Selection UI Positon anchor/offset 'min x, min y', 'max x', max y'": [
    "0.5 0.0",
    "0.5 0.0",
    "250 610",
    "573 633"
  "Auto import approved skins": true,
  "Remove player data after inactivity (days)": 14,
  "Apply names of skins to skinned items": true,
  "Add Search Bar UI": true,
  "Use on itemcraft hook (skin items after crafting - not required when using skinauto)": false,
  "Override spraycan behaviour": false,
  "Use spraycan effect when holding spraycan and skinning deployables": true,
  "Blacklisted Skins (skinID)": [],
  "Blacklisted Itemms (itemID)": [],
  "Import Skin collections (steam workshop ID)": [],
  "Command based cooldowns ('permission' : 'command' seconds": {
    "Default30CD": {
      "skin": 30.0,
      "skinitem": 30.0,
      "skincraft": 30.0,
      "skincon": 30.0,
      "skininv": 30.0,
      "skinteam": 30.0,
      "skinbase": 60.0,
      "skinall": 60.0
  "Imported Skins List": {}