VIP The Red Button 1.7.7

Нет прав для скачивания
  "1. The Button Settings": {
    "1. Sign Picture URL": "",
    "2. Cooldown Time on Button Press": 0,
    "3. Broadcast Button Action to Server": true,
    "4. Broadcast Font Size [18 default]": 18,
    "5. Send Discord embeds on punishments": false,
    "6. Discord WebHook URL": "",
    "7. Use Payback Plugin Punishments": false,
    "8. Timed C4 (false will be instant explosion": true,
    "9. Use Random location for swim location": true
  "2. Punishment Weights": {
    "Slap": 2,
    "Mlrs": 2,
    "Chicken": 2,
    "Swim": 1,
    "Fall": 0,
    "C4": 1,
    "Bear": 0,
    "Scientist": 0,
    "Scarecrow": 0,
    "Radiation": 2,
    "Landmine": 1,
    "Cactus": 2,
    "Scrapheli": 2,
    "PVELord": 2,
    "Shredder": 1,
    "Guntrap": 2,
    "Fireball": 2,
    "ExplosiveDiarrhea": 2,
    "PayBack:Rocketman": 2,
    "Payback:Shark": 2,
    "Payback:Shocker": 0,
    "Payback:Naked": 0
  "3. Custom Commands": {
    "CustomCommand1": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand1",
      "Command": "giverank {playerid}",
      "Message": "Just got a Rank",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand2": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand2",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand3": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand3",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand4": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand4",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand5": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand5",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand6": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand6",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand7": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand7",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand8": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand8",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommand9": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommand9",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
    "CustomCommandA": {
      "CCname (DONT CHANGE THIS)": "customcommandA",
      "Command": "",
      "Message": "",
      "Weight": 0
Цифры, присвоенные наказанию, представляют собой весовое значение. чем выше число, тем выше вероятность появления. Эмпирическое правило 1-10. 0 отменит это наказание

С CustomCommands, если вес равен 0, он не будет загружен.


  "FallMessage": "Fell From 50meters High",
  "SwimMessage": "Went for a Swim and found 3 sharks",
  "ScarecrowMessage": "Found that Tinder only has Scarecrows",
  "ScrapheliMessage": "Helicopters are Heavy . ACME style Murder",
  "CactusMessage": "Found a Cactus and poke his way to heaven",
  "C4Message": "Made a new Friend , C4",
  "BearMessage": "Noticed that YogiBear is no fun in 3's",
  "ScientistMessage": "Playing with A Scientist that loves him",
  "LandmineMessage": "Needs to dance or DIE!!!!",
  "RadiationMessage": "Bit a Nuclear Rod",
  "SlapMessage": "Got Slapped so hard, his kids felt it",
  "MlrsMessage": "could not hold on to that rocket",
  "ChickensMessage": "got a Winner,Winner and is now chicken dinner",
  "ButtonCooldownMessage": "The Button is on a cooldown for you . {timeremaining} remaining from {cooldowntotal} Min's",
  "Payback:RocketManMessage": "and found himself singing Rocketman from Elton John",
  "Payback:SharkMessage": "will never order Sushi again",
  "Payback:NakedMessage": "lost all his stuff",
  "Payback:ShockerMessage": "had a shocking experience",
  "PVELordMessageLargeOil": "Became a PVE SweatLORD on Large Oil",
  "PVELordMessageSmallOil": "Became a PVE SweatLORD on Small Oil",
  "PVELordMessageCargo": "Became a PVE SweatLORD on Cargo",
  "ShredderMessage": "Found his long lost CRUSH , The CarShredder!",
  "DiarrheaMessage": "and will never eat Taco's again !!",
  "GuntrapMessage": "and got stuck in a TRAP !!",
  "FireBallMessage": "should never play with Matches!!!"