"Msg.TradeIntro": "To begin trade, type <color=#81B67A>/trade <Partial name or Steam ID></color>.",
"Msg.TradeRequestSent": "You've sent a trade request to <color=#81B67A>{0}</color>.",
"Msg.TradeRequestReceived": "<color=#81B67A>{0}</color> wants to trade with you!n<color=#81B67a>/trade yes</color> - Accept request.n<color=#DA5757>/trade no</color> - Deny request.",
"Msg.TradeSuccessful": "Your trade with <color=#81B67A>{0}</color> succeed.",
"Msg.TradeTimeoutVendor": "<color=#81B67A>{0}</color> didn't anwered to your trade request.",
"Msg.TradeTimeoutCustomer": "You haven't answered to <color=#81B67A>{0}</color>'s trade request.",
"Msg.TradeCancelledVendor": "<color=#81B67A>{0}</color> has cancelled a trade request.",
"Msg.TradeCancelledCustomer": "You have cancelled a trade request.",
"Msg.TradeInterrupted": "Trade was interrupted!",
"Msg.You": "<color=#81B67A>You</color>",
"Msg.YourPartner": "<color=#81B67A>Your partner</color>",
"Error.NoPerm": "{0} don't have permission to trade.",
"Error.NoSuchPlayer": "No such player found or he is offline.",
"Error.Ignored": "That player is ignoring you.",
"Error.MultiplePlayers": "Found multiple players with this name!nRefine your search please or use SteamID.",
"Error.SelfTrade": "Obviously, you can't trade with yourself :)",
"Error.NoPendingRequest": "You have no pending requests.",
"Error.CantTradeInWater": "{0} can't trade while in water!",
"Error.CantTradeInBuildingBlock": "{0} can't trade while in Building Block zone.",
"Error.CantTradeInAir": "{0} can't trade while flying.",
"Error.CantTradeWounded": "{0} can't trade while wounded.",
"Error.CantTradeSleeping": "{0} can't trade while sleeping.",
"Error.CantTradeInVehicle": "{0} can't trade in transport.",
"Error.CantTradeDead": "{0} can't trade while dead.",
"Error.CantTradeOffline": "{0} is offline.",
"Error.CantTradeRightNow": "{0} can't trade right now.",
"Error.TradeCooldown": "Trade is on cooldown. Please wait <color=#81B67A>{0:mm:ss}</color>.",
"Error.TooFar": "{0} is too far away from you.",
"Error.UnknownCommand": "Unrecognized command.nType either <color=#81B67a>/trade yes</color> or <color=#DA5757>/trade no</color>"