Free Tug Me 1.0.19

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Tug Me

Enhance your Tugboat experience for your players with the TugMe Plugin!​

About TugMe Plugin


  • TugMe.Spawn
  • TugMe.Remove
  • TugMe.Event
  • TugMe.Buy
  • TugMe.AutoNav
  • TugMe.Place
  • TugMe.Find
  • TugMe.Horn
  • TugMe.Button
  • TugMe.Announce
  • TugMe.Tome
  • TugMe.Rotate
  • TugMe.Torpedo
  • TugMe.Mine
  • TugMe.Latch

  • NPC Tugboat Vendors, Can be set at harbor, fishing villages, ferry terminal or custom position
  • Vendors can be, Free, Require resources, Server rewards or economics.
  • Disable Driver Check so tug boat won’t auto stop after 15 secs.
  • Disable Fuel Requirement so doesn’t require fuel to run.
  • Global Broadcast so tugboats can be seen at further distances or culled to network group view distance of 300.
  • Fuel Usage Per Sec
  • Engine thrust to set speed
  • Max health of tugboat
  • Spawn with fuel
  • Pirate event that spawns NPCs and loot on roaming tugboats.
  • Auto navigation that follows the cargo path.
  • Overriding of placement restrictions.
  • Block Native Spawns so only tugboats from this plugin can be spawned.
  • TruePVE Support.
  • Rotate placed entitys by hitting with hammer.
  • Teleport Tugboat back to owner.
  • Sam Sites Use Tugboat auth.
  • Better NPC Compatiblity.
  • Torpedoes!!!!
  • Water Mines !!!!
  • MiniCopter latching to tugboat
  • Water system and ceiling light support.
  • Electric Furnaces
Chat Commands:

  • /tughelp – Shows a list of commands you can use
  • /tugboat – Spawns tugboat where looking if you have permission (If a steamID is provided by an admin it will spawn for that player)
  • /tugremove – Removes tugboat if you have permission
  • /tugfind – Marks owned tugboats on the map if you have permission
  • /autonav – enables/disables auto nav function if you have permission
  • /tugevent – Spawns a tug event on the nearest cargo node if you have permission
  • /tugtome – Teleports tugboat back to owner, Requires TugMe.Tome permission.
  • /tugcam – Sets the ID for CCTV cameras attached to the tugboat.
Console Commands:
starttugevent X Y Z – Spawns tug event at this position.

Most settings are disabled by default. Settings can be set from the oxide/config folder and TugMe.json file
Where a setting says -1 = default means having it set to -1 will use the Facepunch default values. These aren’t hard set as Facepunch can change them at any time so it’s best to look up on one of the Rust stats pages to see what to change it to make it different.
For example [Boat Setting] Engine Thrust (-1 = default)
You’d look up and see that as of writing this facepunch has this set to 200,000 which -1 would use.
If you wanted to double the tugboat’s speed then you’d set it to 400000 or to half speed 100000.

Custom Vendors:
They can be set with the setting [Spawners] Custom Vender Positions
You need to provide position, rotation, SpawnPoint.
“[Spawners] Custom Vender Positions”: [
“Position”: {
“x”: 747.0,
“y”: 1.0,
“z”: -353.0
“Rotation”: {
“x”: 0.0,
“y”: 0.0,
“z”: 0.0
“SpawnPoint”: {
“x”: 754.0,
“y”: 1.0,
“z”: -342.0

Over-ride placement:
Has a item list in the config called White List Shortnames. You can place these even when they show red.
Do note guntrap and flame trap will need Boat Auth enabled in the config or they will attack everyone.

Pirate Event NPCs can be adjusted with the setting NPC/Turret Spawn Positions.
This is local position based off center of the tugboat, You can easily work out new positions by load a tugboat in rust edit.
Set its position to 0,0,0. Then place hazmat suits on it and look at the position of those.
Auto Turrets are set the same with a position and rotation

Remote Assets/Horn:
These require external files that are hosted online. A example one for the horn is”

Teleport To Me Command:
This uses the same logic as the /tugme to spawn uses. Which checks where your player is looking.

Rotation Function:
Short names of items set in Allow Rotation On config can be rotated by hitting them with the hammer while holding down reload key (R). It will rotate them each hit by Rotation Amount set in config. Do note some short names change to have _deployed or .deployed appended on the end.

Minicopter lock/latch:
When you have this function enabled in the config and TugMe.Latch permission. Landing on tugboat will lock minicopter to that position, Once you mount the minicopter it will unlatch after the set delay in the config.
It will output to chat the status of the latch/lock.

When you have this function enabled and the required permissions.
Pressing reload (R) key will attempt to fire a torpedo from the front of the tugboat, It will take the ammo straight out of your player inventory.
Pressing crouch (CTRL) key will drop a water mine off the back of the tugboat. These require inner tubes and C4. This is taken straight out of your inventory.

Using Custom Items For Vendors:
Spawn Cost When Using Resources has been replaced with Spawn Cost When Using Resources V2.
This allows you to enter a SkinID and Name that you want shown in the NPC Vendors screen.
Iv created a chat command you can use as a example.
/tugtoken int
int is the number of them to give yourself. This is a admin only command and will give you paper with the skinID of 2513472788
In your config file you would use this to make a tugboat cost 3 $5 notes
“[Spawners] Spawn Cost When Using Resources V2”: [
“Shortname”: “paper”,
“Amount”: 3,
“SkinID”: 2513472788,
“Name”: “five dollars”
If SkinID and Name are left blank then it uses just the shortname and amount.

Water System:
Place a electric water purifier. it will run when tug is switched on if you have Power Electrical When Engine Running enabled in the config.
It will suck water from under the boat up and purify it.
If any sprinklers are detected on the same boat then it will hook those into the nearest water purifier. To be used for watering plants.
nukedrust (Sliver)
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File size
173.8 KB
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