VIP Weather 2.4.0

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  • Автор RaZoR4K
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  "Auto reload [If you change the config and save the file the plugin will reload itself]": true,
  "Day length [minutes]": 30,
  "Night length [minutes]": 30,
  "Use time control": true,
  "Presets": [
      "Name": "Drunk",
      "Duration [seconds]": 50,
      "Chance [0 - 100%": 1,
      "Wind": -1.0,
      "Rain": -1.0,
      "Thunder": -1.0,
      "Rainbow": -1.0,
      "Ocean": -1.0,
      "Atmosphere rayleigh": 3.0,
      "Atmosphere mie": 3.0,
      "Atmosphere contrast": 2.0,
      "Atmosphere directionality": 2.0,
      "Atmosphere fogginess": 3.0,
      "Atmosphere brightness": -1.0,
      "Clouds size": -1.0,
      "Clouds opacity": 0.0,
      "Clouds coverage": -1.0,
      "Clouds sharpness": -1.0,
      "Clouds coloring": -1.0,
      "Clouds attenuation": -1.0,
      "Clouds saturation": -1.0,
      "Clouds scattering": -1.0,
      "Clouds brightness": -1.0
      "Name": "Clear",
      "Duration [seconds]": 14400,
      "Chance [0 - 100%": 20,
      "Wind": 0.0,
      "Rain": 0.0,
      "Thunder": 0.0,
      "Rainbow": 0.0,
      "Ocean": 3.0,
      "Atmosphere rayleigh": 1.0,
      "Atmosphere mie": 1.0,
      "Atmosphere contrast": 1.2,
      "Atmosphere directionality": 0.9,
      "Atmosphere fogginess": 0.0,
      "Atmosphere brightness": 1.0,
      "Clouds size": 2.0,
      "Clouds opacity": 1.0,
      "Clouds coverage": 0.0,
      "Clouds sharpness": 0.0,
      "Clouds coloring": 1.0,
      "Clouds attenuation": 0.15,
      "Clouds saturation": 1.0,
      "Clouds scattering": 1.0,
      "Clouds brightness": 1.0
      "Name": "Dust",
      "Duration [seconds]": 14400,
      "Chance [0 - 100%": 20,
      "Wind": 0.0,
      "Rain": 0.0,
      "Thunder": 0.0,
      "Rainbow": 0.0,
      "Ocean": 3.5,
      "Atmosphere rayleigh": 2.0,
      "Atmosphere mie": 4.0,
      "Atmosphere contrast": 1.25,
      "Atmosphere directionality": 0.75,
      "Atmosphere fogginess": 0.3,
      "Atmosphere brightness": 0.9,
      "Clouds size": 2.0,
      "Clouds opacity": 0.25,
      "Clouds coverage": 0.0,
      "Clouds sharpness": 0.0,
      "Clouds coloring": 1.0,
      "Clouds attenuation": 0.25,
      "Clouds saturation": 1.0,
      "Clouds scattering": 1.0,
      "Clouds brightness": 1.0
      "Name": "Fog",
      "Duration [seconds]": 14400,
      "Chance [0 - 100%": 20,
      "Wind": 0.0,
      "Rain": 0.0,
      "Thunder": 0.0,
      "Rainbow": 0.0,
      "Ocean": 4.5,
      "Atmosphere rayleigh": 1.0,
      "Atmosphere mie": 1.0,
      "Atmosphere contrast": 1.0,
      "Atmosphere directionality": 0.2,
      "Atmosphere fogginess": 0.9,
      "Atmosphere brightness": 0.5,
      "Clouds size": 2.0,
      "Clouds opacity": 0.0,
      "Clouds coverage": 0.0,
      "Clouds sharpness": 0.1,
      "Clouds coloring": 0.15,
      "Clouds attenuation": 0.15,
      "Clouds saturation": 0.8,
      "Clouds scattering": 100.0,
      "Clouds brightness": 0.8
      "Name": "Overcast",
      "Duration [seconds]": 14400,
      "Chance [0 - 100%": 20,
      "Wind": 0.0,
      "Rain": 0.0,
      "Thunder": 0.0,
      "Rainbow": 0.0,
      "Ocean": 3.5,
      "Atmosphere rayleigh": 0.2,
      "Atmosphere mie": 5.0,
      "Atmosphere contrast": 1.5,
      "Atmosphere directionality": 0.75,
      "Atmosphere fogginess": 0.8,
      "Atmosphere brightness": 0.9,
      "Clouds size": 2.0,
      "Clouds opacity": 1.0,
      "Clouds coverage": 1.0,
      "Clouds sharpness": 0.05,
      "Clouds coloring": 0.15,
      "Clouds attenuation": 0.15,
      "Clouds saturation": 0.8,
      "Clouds scattering": 20.0,
      "Clouds brightness": 1.0
      "Name": "RainMild",
      "Duration [seconds]": 14400,
      "Chance [0 - 100%": 20,
      "Wind": 1.0,
      "Rain": 0.2,
      "Thunder": 0.0,
      "Rainbow": 0.0,
      "Ocean": 4.7,
      "Atmosphere rayleigh": 1.0,
      "Atmosphere mie": 1.0,
      "Atmosphere contrast": 1.3,
      "Atmosphere directionality": 0.9,
      "Atmosphere fogginess": 0.2,
      "Atmosphere brightness": 1.0,
      "Clouds size": 1.0,
      "Clouds opacity": 1.0,
      "Clouds coverage": 0.4,
      "Clouds sharpness": 0.0,
      "Clouds coloring": 0.8,
      "Clouds attenuation": 0.05,
      "Clouds saturation": 0.8,
      "Clouds scattering": 0.4,
      "Clouds brightness": 1.0
      "Name": "RainHeavy",
      "Duration [seconds]": 14400,
      "Chance [0 - 100%": 20,
      "Wind": 1.0,
      "Rain": 1.0,
      "Thunder": 0.0,
      "Rainbow": 0.0,
      "Ocean": 7.4,
      "Atmosphere rayleigh": 0.2,
      "Atmosphere mie": 5.0,
      "Atmosphere contrast": 1.5,
      "Atmosphere directionality": 0.75,
      "Atmosphere fogginess": 0.7,
      "Atmosphere brightness": 0.8,
      "Clouds size": 2.0,
      "Clouds opacity": 1.0,
      "Clouds coverage": 0.9,
      "Clouds sharpness": 0.25,
      "Clouds coloring": 0.15,
      "Clouds attenuation": 0.15,
      "Clouds saturation": 0.8,
      "Clouds scattering": 5.0,
      "Clouds brightness": 1.0
      "Name": "Storm",
      "Duration [seconds]": 14400,
      "Chance [0 - 100%": 20,
      "Wind": 1.0,
      "Rain": 1.0,
      "Thunder": 1.0,
      "Rainbow": 0.0,
      "Ocean": 8.0,
      "Atmosphere rayleigh": 1.0,
      "Atmosphere mie": 3.0,
      "Atmosphere contrast": 1.3,
      "Atmosphere directionality": 0.75,
      "Atmosphere fogginess": 0.95,
      "Atmosphere brightness": 0.8,
      "Clouds size": 2.0,
      "Clouds opacity": 1.0,
      "Clouds coverage": 1.0,
      "Clouds sharpness": 0.4,
      "Clouds coloring": 0.15,
      "Clouds attenuation": 0.15,
      "Clouds saturation": 0.8,
      "Clouds scattering": 5.0,
      "Clouds brightness": 1.0

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