VIP Zone Status 0.1.6

Нет прав для скачивания
  • Автор RaZoR4K
  • Дата создания
  • Вы достигли максимально допустимого лимита загрузок.
 "Is it worth deleting all saved Zone bars upon detecting a wipe?": true,
 "Is it worth deleting all saved Monument bars upon detecting a wipe?": true,
 "The name of the zone which has no name": "No name zone",
 "The subtext of the zone with no subtext (leave empty to disable)": "",
 "Status. Bar - Default Display": true,
 "Status. Bar - Default Height": 26,
 "Status. Bar - Default Order": 10,
 "Status. Background - Default Color": "#A064A0",
 "Status. Background - Default Transparency": 0.8,
 "Status. Background - Default Material(empty to disable)": "",
 "Status. Image - Default Url": "",
 "Status. Image - Default Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "ZoneStatus_Default",
 "Status. Image - Default Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "",
 "Status. Image - Default Is raw image": false,
 "Status. Image - Default Color": "#A064A0",
 "Status. Image - Default Transparency": 1.0,
 "Status. Text - Default Size": 12,
 "Status. Text - Default Color": "#FFFFFF",
 "Status. Text - Default Font(": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf",
 "Status. SubText - Default Size": 12,
 "Status. SubText - Default Color": "#FFFFFF",
 "Status. SubText - Default Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf",
 "Wipe ID": null,
 "Version": {
 "Major": 0,
 "Minor": 1,
 "Patch": 4

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