/menu - Open the event menu
/teleporter add "Event Name" - Create an arena teleporter for the specified event on your position
/teleporter remove "Event Name" - Remove the arena teleporter for the specified event
/lobby - Allows players to teleport to the event lobby (if setup)
/lobbyc - Cancel a pending lobby TP request
Weapon Set Commands
/aggset- Show help creating weapon sets
/aggset new - Start creating a new weapon set
/aggset edit <name> - Edits the specified weapon set
/aggset delete <name> - Deletes the specified weapon set
/aggset list - Lists all available weapon sets
/aggset add <opt:rank> - Adds the weapon you are holding to the weapon set. If you specify a rank the weapon will be inserted at that position
/aggset remove <number> - Removes the specified rank from the weapon set
/aggset ranks - List the weapons and ranks in the weapon set
/aggset save <name> - Saves the weapon set you are currently editing