VIP Arena 2.0.38

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Arena Config
"Server Settings": {
"Restore players when they leave an event": true,
"Disable server events (Patrol Helicopter, Cargo Ship, Airdrops etc)": false,
"Use inbuilt chat manager": false
"Event Options": {
"Create and add players to Rusts team system for team based events": true,
"Drop on death (Nothing, Ammo, Backpack, Corpse, Weapon)": 2,
"Add rotator to dropped items (Requires RotatingPickups)": false,
"Invincibility time after respawn (seconds)": 3.0,
"Blacklisted commands for event players": [
"Restart the event when it finishes": false,
"Automatic Health Restore Options": {
"Enable automatic health restoration": false,
"Start restoring if no damage taken for x seconds": 5.0,
"Amount of health to restore every second": 2.5
"Lobby Options": {
"Force event access from a physical lobby": false,
"Lobby spawnfile": "",
"Lobby zone ID": "",
"Lobby kit (only applies if event only server)": "",
"Lobby teleportation options": {
"Allow teleportation to the lobby (Requires a lobby spawn file)": false,
"Allow teleportation if Raid Blocked (NoEscape)": false,
"Allow teleportation if Combat Blocked (NoEscape)": false,
"Allow teleportation if bleeding": false,
"Allow teleportation if building blocked": false,
"Allow teleportation if on the CargoShip": false,
"Allow teleportation if in a HotAirBalloon": false,
"Allow teleportation if on the OilRig": false,
"Allow teleportation if mounted": false,
"Teleportation countdown timer": 10,
"Teleportation cooldown timer": 60
"Timer Options": {
"Match pre-start timer (seconds)": 10,
"Round interval timer (seconds)": 10,
"Backpack/corpse despawn timer (seconds)": 30
"Message Options": {
"Broadcast when a player joins an event to event players": true,
"Broadcast when a player leaves an event to event players": true,
"Broadcast the name(s) of the winning player(s) to chat": true,
"Broadcast kills to event players": true,
"Chat icon Steam ID": 76561198403299915
"Version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 0,
"Patch": 0

ArenaUI Config

"Commands": {
"Chat command to open the event menu": "menu",
"Chat command to open the statistics menu": "stats",
"Chat command to open the admin menu": "menu.admin"
"Images": {
"Death screen background image": "",
"Default event icon image": "",
"Server banner image": "",
"Server logo image": "",
"Exit icon": "",
"Return icon": "",
"Respawn icon": "",
"Statistics icon": "",
"Events icon": "",
"Admin icon": ""
"Hide unused event types": false,
"Menu Colors": {
"Background Color": {
"Hex": "#000000",
"Alpha": 0.9
"Panel Color": {
"Hex": "#2c2c2c",
"Alpha": 1.0
"Button Color": {
"Hex": "#222222",
"Alpha": 1.0
"Highlight Color": {
"Hex": "#9b2021",
"Alpha": 1.0
"Scoreboard Colors": {
"Background Color": {
"Hex": "#000000",
"Alpha": 0.9
"Foreground Color": {
"Hex": " #252526",
"Alpha": 0.8
"Panel Color": {
"Hex": "#2d2d30",
"Alpha": 0.8
"Highlight Color": {
"Hex": "#9c2021",
"Alpha": 0.8
"Screen Position": {
"Center Position X (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.9325,
"Center Position Y (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.98,
"Panel Width": 0.125,
"Panel Height": 0.02,
"UI4": {
"xMin": 0.87,
"yMin": 0.97,
"xMax": 0.995,
"yMax": 0.99
"Version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 0,
"Patch": 0

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