VIP CarCommander 0.2.76

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  "Movement Settings": {
    "Use custom handling options": false,
    "Engine - Acceleration torque": 600.0,
    "Engine - Brake  torque": 800.0,
    "Engine - Reverse  torque": 500.0,
    "Engine - Maximum speed": 90.0,
    "Steering - Max angle": 60.0,
    "Steering - Max angle at speed": 20.0,
    "Steering - Automatically counter steer": false,
    "Suspension - Force": 40000.0,
    "Suspension - Damper": 2000.0,
    "Suspension - Target position (min 0, max 1)": 0.4,
    "Suspension - Distance": 0.2,
    "Anti Roll - Front horizontal force": 3500.0,
    "Anti Roll - Rear horizontal force": 3500.0,
    "Anti Roll - Vertical force": 500.0
  "Button Configuration": {
    "Open inventory": "RELOAD",
    "Accelerate": "FORWARD",
    "Brake / Reverse": "BACKWARD",
    "Turn Left": "LEFT",
    "Turn Right": "RIGHT",
    "Hand Brake": "SPRINT",
    "Open fuel tank": "FIRE_THIRD",
    "Toggle lights": "RELOAD"
  "Build Options": {
    "Allow users to build a car": true,
    "Use cooldown timers": true,
    "Build Costs": [
        "Item Shortname": "metal.refined",
        "Amount": 500
        "Item Shortname": "techparts",
        "Amount": 100
  "Passenger Options": {
    "Allow passengers": true,
    "Require passenger to be a friend (FriendsAPI)": true,
    "Require passenger to be a clan mate (Clans)": true
  "Inventory Options": {
    "Enable inventory system": true,
    "Drop inventory on death": true,
    "Inventory size (max 36)": 36
  "Spawnable Options": {
    "Enable automatic vehicle spawning": true,
    "Use RandomSpawns for spawn locations": false,
    "Spawnfile name": "car1",
    "Maximum spawned vehicles at any time": 5,
    "Time between autospawns (seconds)": 30,
    "Cooldown time for player spawned vehicles via chat command (seconds)": 30
  "Fuel Options": {
    "Requires fuel": true,
    "Fuel type (item shortname)": "lowgradefuel",
    "Fuel consumption rate (seconds per litre)": 10,
    "Spawn vehicles with fuel": true,
    "Amount of fuel to give spawned vehicles (minimum)": 10,
    "Amount of fuel to give spawned vehicles (maximum)": 50
 "Death Options": {
    "Enable explosion damage on death": true,
    "Damage radius": 6.0,
    "Damage Amount": 75.0
  "Repair Options": {
    "Repair system enabled": true,
    "Shortname of item required to repair": "scrap",
    "Amount of item required to repair": 10,
    "Amount of damage repaired per hit": 30,
    "Allow players to flip cars that are on their roof": true
  "Active Item Options": {
    "Driver - Disable all held items": true,
    "Driver - List of disallowed held items (item shortnames)": [],
    "Passenger - Disable all held items": false,
    "Passenger - List of disallowed held items (item shortnames)": [
  "Security Options": {
    "Enable ignition systems": true,
    "Ignition options": {
      "Allow players to copy a ignition key": true,
      "Give the first player to enter the vehicle a key": true,
      "Chance of getting a key on entrance (1 in X)": 1
    "Hotwire options": {
      "Allow players to hotwire vehicles": true,
      "Deal shock damage on failed hotwire attempts": true,
      "Amount of time it takes per hotwire attempt (seconds)": 5,
      "Chance of successfully hotwiring a vehicle (1 in X chance)": 5
    "Trunk lock options": {
      "Allow locks to be placed on the trunk": true,
      "Only allow locks to be placed if the player has the ignition key": true
  "Collision Options": {
    "Enable collision damage system": true,
    "Collision damage multiplier": 1.0
  "Decay Options": {
    "Enable decay system": true,
    "Amount of decay per decay tick (percentage of maximum health)": 5.0,
    "Time between decay ticks (seconds)": 3600
  "UI Options": {
    "Health settings": {
      "Display to player": true,
      "Position - X minimum": 0.69,
      "Position - X maximum": 0.83,
      "Position - Y minimum": 0.1,
      "Position - Y maximum": 0.135,
      "Background color (hex)": "#F2F2F2",
      "Background alpha": 0.05,
      "Status color (hex)": "#ce422b",
      "Status alpha": 0.6
    "Fuel settings": {
      "Display to player": true,
      "Position - X minimum": 0.69,
      "Position - X maximum": 0.83,
      "Position - Y minimum": 0.06,
      "Position - Y maximum": 0.096,
      "Background color (hex)": "#F2F2F2",
      "Background alpha": 0.05,
      "Status color (hex)": "#ce422b",
      "Status alpha": 1.0
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 2,
    "Patch": 35

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